Pardee School Students Reflect on Impactful Journey with State Dept. Partnership

Pardee students at the AWER Summit on Feb. 27, 2024

In a testament to dedication and collaboration, Pardee students Diana Reno, Emma Liu, Shana Weitzen, Arianna Ayaz, Roamah Baray, Pragya Raj Singh, and Keya Bharel Waikar have played pivotal roles in supporting the mission of the Alliance for Afghan Women’s Economic Resilience (AWER), under the guidance of Rachel Brulé, Assistant Professor of Global Development Policy at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies.

Established by U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken in 2022, AWER is an ongoing public-private partnership between Boston University Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and the U.S. State Department. AWER aims to foster innovative collaborations to support Afghan women’s access to education, employment, and entrepreneurship.

The recent summit, held on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, brought together stakeholders to discuss strategies for empowerment and education. Distinguished speakers, such as U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and U.S. Special Envoy for Afghan Women, Girls and Human Rights, Rina Amiri, led panel discussions focusing on various aspects of supporting Afghan women and girls, including education, employment, entrepreneurship, and holistic support systems. Despite challenges posed by discriminatory policies, participants explored innovative partnerships and initiatives aimed at empowering Afghan women.

Reflecting on her experience, Ayaz shared, “Joining AWER has offered a unique opportunity to be part of a collaborative effort aimed at addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by Afghan women.” Singh echoed her sentiment, emphasizing, “The AWER Summit stands as a testament to the Alliance’s visionary aim… contributing to the advancement of educational opportunities, access to employment, and entrepreneurial pursuits for Afghan women and girls has been an immense privilege.”

For Waikar, the journey with AWER is deeply personal, as she reflected, “Throughout my life, I’ve looked up to my mom… upon hearing about the creation of AWER, I was inspired to join.” Attending the AWER Summit alongside inspiring leaders further fueled her commitment, as she remarked, “Witnessing such collaboration on a large scale was deeply interesting… amidst the challenges, there was a palpable sense of hope and determination.”

Reno provided a behind-the-scenes glimpse into AWER’s inception and growth, as she recounted, “I joined AWER during its foundational stages in Fall 2022… My main responsibility was supporting the organization of the summit held in February 2024.” Her journey from student team member to leader underscores the impact of AWER’s mission, as she emphasized, “This position was a remarkable opportunity to engage with an initiative enacting tangible positive change.”

As they reflected on their respective journeys with AWER, Ayaz, Singh, Waikar, and Reno expressed gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to meaningful change. Ayaz shared, “The event was a testament to the transformative power of community support in student career development.” Singh added, “My experience with AWER reaffirms my belief in the resilience and potential of Afghan women.” Waikar reflected, “I am deeply grateful to have attended the Summit and look forward to continuing learning from and working alongside the AWER team.”

Roamah Baray’s perspective emphasized the significance of BU’s partnership with AWER in raising awareness within the university community and beyond. Baray emphasized, “As an academic institution, BU has a responsibility to educate the community on global challenges. This partnership serves as a platform for BU to fulfill this duty.”

Reno concluded, “My experience with AWER has been immensely professionally and personally rewarding.”

The students full reflections can be accessed here: AWER Summit Reflections