Gallagher to Lead New Global Development Policy Center

The new Global Development Policy Center, housed on the first floor of 53 Bay State Road.

The Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University is excited to introduce its newest affiliated center, the Global Development Policy (GDP) Center. The center, which is a Boston University-wide research center housed at Pardee School for Global Studies, will be helmed by Director Kevin Gallagher, Professor of Global Development Policy at the Pardee School.

Pardee School Dean Adil Najam said the GDP Center will serve as an important global development research hub for the Pardee School and the wider Boston University community.

“The establishment of the Global Development Policy Center is a very important step not just for the Pardee School but for all who work on global development, across all of Boston University,” Najam said. “For the Pardee School, the establishment of the GDP Center, along with recent induction of new faculty and new graduate programs in development-related areas, is key to actualizing our strategic mission of globally advancing human progress. I am especially delighted that Prof. Kevin Gallagher will be its first Director. He brings a vision, dynamism and commitment that is infectious and will itself infuse excitement into this new center.”

Gallagher said the  Global Development Policy Center, which is located on the first floor of 53 Bay State Road, will serve as a university-wide research center focused on policy-orientated research in the wide-ranging field of global development policy.

“The Global Development Policy Center’s mission is to advance policy-oriented research for financial stability, human well-being, and environmental sustainability,” Gallagher said.

According to Gallagher, the GDP Center’s mission will tie directly into the Pardee School’s mission of advancing human progress by striving for intellectual leadership and global engagement.

“We are honored that he Vice President and Associate Provost for Research and the Dean of the Pardee School have chosen to invest in a full blown research center that is so close to the Pardee’s School’s mission of advancing human progress,” Gallagher said. “What will make the GDP Center unique among its peers is that we will aim to strive for both intellectual leadership but also global engagement.  Not only will the GDP Center be a university-based ‘think-tank,’ we will also be a ‘do tank.’”

The Global Economic Governance Initiative (GEGI), a research program at the Pardee School that Gallagher co-directs with Pardee School Assistant Professor of International Relations Cornel Ban, will initially serve as the Global Development Policy Center’s flagship research initiative, according to Gallagher. He said the goal is to work with other professors at the Pardee School and across campus to establish similar initiatives at the GDP Center that help solve some of the world’s most pressing development problems.

Gallagher served on the U.S. Department of State’s Investment Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy and the International Investment Division of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. He is the author of The China Triangle: Latin America’s China Boom and the Fate of the Washington Consensus, Ruling Capital: Emerging Markets and the Reregulation of Cross-border Finance,  The Dragon in the Room: China and the Future of Latin American Industrialization (with Roberto Porzecanski), The Enclave Economy: Foreign Investment and Sustainable Development in Mexico’s Silicon Valley, and Free Trade and the Environment: Mexico, NAFTA, and Beyond.