All Topics (March 9 through April 29)
Monday, March 17
Tuesday, March 18
Thursday, March 20
- 1:30 PM Project Eagle: The Top-Secret OSS Operation that Sent Polish Spies Behind Enemy Lines in World War II
- 5:00 PM Unnecessary Hysterectomy in India: Puzzling Patterns Around Women’s Bodies and Health Systems
Friday, March 21
Monday, March 24
- 1:00 PM Inventing Earth: A New History of the 1957-1958 International Geophysical Year
- Inventing Earth: A New History of the 1957-1958 International Geophysical Year
- 6:00 PM Poetics of Survival and Becoming in Francophone African Rap
Wednesday, March 26
- 3:30 PM From South Central to Southside: Gang Transnationalism, Masculinity, and Disorganized Violence in Belize City
- 5:00 PM Arbitrating Empire: United States Expansion & the Transformation of International Law
Thursday, March 27
- 5:00 PM China’s Evolving Nuclear Policy
Friday, March 28
- 1:00 PM Punishing Hurtful Words in the Western Mediterranean: Blasphemy and “National” Religions
- 3:30 PM Translating Arabic Theory: Portable Concepts for a New Lexicon
Tuesday, April 1
- 1:30 PM Geoeconomic Fragmentation and the World Economy
- Geoeconomic Fragmentation and the World Economy
Friday, April 4
Monday, April 7
Tuesday, April 8
Wednesday, April 9
- 6:00 PM Institutionalizing Black Europe: The Center for Black European Studies at Carnegie Mellon University
Thursday, April 10
Friday, April 11
- 1:00 PM Sacred Cities, Civic Futures: The Role of Pilgrimages in Shaping Civil Society in Iraq and India