All Topics (February 6 through March 20)
Thursday, February 6
- 12:30 PM Politics by Non-Politicians: Elon Musk, Social Media, and the 21-st Century Election Landscape
- 2:00 PM The Politics of Primary Health Care
- 4:00 PM Boston Launch of “Toward a Better Security Order”
- 5:00 PM Toward Gender Parity in Japan: Who Supports Gender Quotas and Why?
Friday, February 7
Monday, February 10
Tuesday, February 11
- 12:30 PM Visiting Latin American Leaders Working to Address the Needs of Underserved and At-Risk Youth
- 3:00 PM Nationstate and the Stateless: Hannah Arendt on the End of Human Rights
Wednesday, February 12
- 5:00 PM Book Talk with Esther Hu, Author: Soong Mayling and Wartime China, 1937-1945: Deploying Words as Weapons
- Taste of African Foods with the Boston Public Schools ALANA Educator Network
Thursday, February 13
- 11:00 AM Book Workshop: Religion and War in the Middle East
- 4:30 PM Antisemitism: Then and Now
- 5:00 PM Religion and the Republic: Book Launch & Discussion
Friday, February 14
- 12:00 PM Indigenous, not Christian’: Secular Separations and Decolonial Sovereignty in Global Assyria
Saturday, February 15
Monday, February 24
- All Day Teach East Africa Week
Tuesday, February 25
Wednesday, February 26
- 4:00 PM Madame Moon Cheek: An Artistic Courtesan and Shii Mystic from Hyderabad Deccan
- Odious Debt: Bankruptcy, International Law & the Making of Latin America
Thursday, February 27
Friday, February 28
Wednesday, March 5
- 12:20 PM Three Ways a City: Urban Lessons from Archaeological Research at Caracol, Belize
- 4:00 PM African Literature Book Group Discussion in French: Reading Eve de ses décombres by Ananda Devi
Thursday, March 6
- 4:00 PM Modernizing the Nuclear Triad