Research News

Heine’s Insights Published: Digital Diplomacy

In the ever-evolving world of international relations, the "Oxford Handbook of Digital Diplomacy" illuminated the intricate dance between technology and diplomacy. Released on January 4, 2024, it showcased Ambassador Jorge Heine's invaluable insights, exploring the impact of digital diplomacy amidst global disparities, making it an essential guide. More

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Grimes Unveils Asia-Pacific Insights in Published Article

Professor William Grimes, along with Dr. Yaechan Lee and Dr. William Kring, published an article on financial cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. Analyzing emergency liquidity provision mechanisms, they explored the intricate dynamics among major economies, shedding light on uncertainty during currency crises. The research, supported by the Japan Foundation, marks a significant contribution. More

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African Ajami Scholars Publish New Special Issue in Islamic Africa

The "Ajami Literacies of Africa" special issue explores the rich literatures of Wolof, Mandinka, Hausa, and Fula, challenging misconceptions about Africa's written traditions. Co-edited by BU scholars, it unveils the historical significance of Ajami, countering Eurocentric biases. Exploring digital technologies, the issue sheds light on grassroots communities and fosters participatory knowledge-making. More

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