Najam Keynotes on Law, Justice, and Climate Change in Bhutan

Professor Najam outlined the nature of the global climate change challenge, particularly for developing countries and especially in what he describes as the “Age of Adaptation,” and reflected on the role of law and philanthropy in addressing global climate change, particularly in national and local implications and impacts.

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Brulé Examines How Climate Crises Alter Women’s Political Representation

“Not only can climate change induce migration, but, I argue, climate shocks…can also destabilize gendered social systems…initiate political transformations… [and[ compel women to mobilize—as representatives and their supporters—to redirect local and national political agendas to respond to the vulnerabilities exposed by climate shocks.”

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Najam Urges Doctors Without Borders (MSF) to Redouble Climate Efforts

Professor Najam calls on the humanitarian sector and organizations like MSF to redouble their own efforts not just in reducing their climate footprints but in addressing the critical climate justice and climate impacts that are being felt by the world’s poorest and most vulnerable communities.

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GDP Center Researchers Examine Legal Fees Associated With Climate Adaptation Efforts

The researchers find legal claims from oil and gas investors in response to government actions to limit fossil fuels could reach $340 billion, which would divert critical public finance from essential mitigation and adaptation efforts to the pockets of fossil fuel industry investors.

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