Najam Keynotes on Law, Justice, and Climate Change in Bhutan

Professor Najam outlined the nature of the global climate change challenge, particularly for developing countries and especially in what he describes as the “Age of Adaptation,” and reflected on the role of law and philanthropy in addressing global climate change, particularly in national and local implications and impacts.

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Hefner Attends International Conference on Islamic Law and Inclusive Citizenship

Professor Hefner argued that Indonesia, and NU specifically, has the potential to make enormous contributions to the global community; “it’s time for NU to rise to the international stage, speak out, and make such a positive contribution to solving political problems as well as intellectual and moral challenges faced by all humanity.”

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Schmidt Discusses EU Socioeconomic Governance on ETUI/ETUC Panel

Professor Schmidt’s presentation explored the impact of the COVID-19 recovery strategy on the potential reorientation of European Union economic governance and whether this leaves room to maneuver and implement progressive social reforms as well as increase the democratic legitimacy of the EU (in contrast to the Eurozone Crisis of 2011)

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Najam Keynotes Conference on “The Post-COVID Political Agenda”

Drawing on lessons learned from the Pardee Center’s “World After Coronavirus” series, Dean Najam highlighted that COVID has alerted us to constantly interrogate the meaning of ‘normal’ and that the world before COVID was itself full of challenges and turmoil that have, in many cases, taken on new dimensions because of the pandemic.

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