Adil Najam Provides Expert Commentary on Trump-Harris Debate

Adil Najam, Dean Emeritus and Professor at Boston University’s Pardee School of Global Studies, offered live commentary on the Trump-Harris debate for Geo TV News, Pakistan’s largest TV network. His analysis provided a global perspective on the debate, focusing on its international ramifications and offering insights into the complexities of U.S. election dynamics for a…

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Heine Offers Insight on China’s Advances in Latin America

On May 28, 2023, Ambassador Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, was interviewed by Real Clear Politics on China’s commercial advances in Latin America. In the article, Professor Heine compares the U.S. attempt at…

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Heine Gives Perspective on Global Power Dynamics

Foreign Affairs has recently released several articles discussing the dynamics of global power balance, the future of US hegemony, and the unfolding of great-power competition in the developing world. To follow up on these essays, Foreign Affairs interviewed International Relations specialists on the state of unipolarity in today’s world for their article “Did the Unipolar…

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Maggie Toombs (BA/MAIA ’23) Shares Story of Her Graduate Research in Serbia

Maggie recently traveled to Belgrade, Serbia with the help of the Pardee School’s Gilman Travel Grant. As she describes it, “The way this has enhanced my research and helped me develop skills in interviewing, interpersonal relations, as well as networking has provided an invaluable educational experience and inspired me to begin planning my next trip as soon as possible!”

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Pardee School Graduate Students Visit UN and Diplomatic Missions in NYC

Students received a guided tour of the UN headquarters and visited four missions and a number of dignitaries where they learned about how much these states use the potential that multilateralism offers and what they do to overcome challenges stemming from their limited resources and inbuilt perception of their secondary role in global affairs.

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Garčević and Najam Participate in 15th Summer School for Young Diplomats

Professors Garčević and Najam joined 47 young diplomats from 32 countries as well as 35 lecturers from Europe and the United States to discuss complex issues of contemporary international affairs such as the war in Ukraine, NATO expansion, and global climate change.

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