Heine’s Insights on Sino-Russian Ties

Ambassador Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, was recently featured in an El País article titled, “How Putin’s Global Network Aids and Abets his Ambitions,” on Russia’s allies with other countries, including China,…

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Heine Ponders Argentinian Application to Join BRICS

On August 23, 2023, Amb. Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, was quoted in a South China Morning Post article on the fruitfulness of Argentina’s bid to join the coalition of emerging economies…

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Heine Discusses Indian Foreign Minister’s Trip to Latin America

On May 11, 2023, Professor Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, was interviewed by Latin American Advisor on the visit of Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar’s recent diplomatic tour of Latin America, including…

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Heine Interviewed on China in the Saudi Arabia-Iran Truce

In an appearance on WION, a leading Indian news publication,” Jorge Heine, Research Professor at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Interim Director of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, discusses Chinese foreign policy and the peace brokered between Saudi Arabia and Iran.  Heine explored the…

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Heine Publishes Op-Ed Arguing for Greater Recognition of Active Non-Alignment

“Suddenly, a war erupts in Europe, and this means that all bets are off, and all countries should chip in to support Ukraine. Yet, as India’s External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar has put it, ‘Europe has to grow out of its mindset that Europe’s problems are the world’s problems, but the world’s problems are not Europe’s.'”

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Pardee School Faculty Discuss China’s Global Impact During “Research on Tap” Event

This “Research on Tap” convened BU faculty and researchers from across schools and disciplines. Through a series of individual presentations on a wide range of topics, the suite of experts expanded BU’s reservoir of knowledge on China and helped inform research and teaching on China at global and local dimensions.

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Heine Breaks Down Emergence of Second Cold War

“There’s a growing consensus that we’re facing a Second Cold War…It’s a notion that I’ve held since at least 2020. At the time, [this position] was criticized by several colleagues, who saw it as premature, considering that there was only a commercial-technological conflict, but without ideological-military overtones. It’s now becoming increasingly apparent that the conflict does have the latter elements.”

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Heine Publishes Op-Ed on Argentina’s Prospective BRICS Membership

“There is thus little doubt that Argentina would bring much to the table if it joins the BRICS, while benefitting from the additional diplomatic heft and leverage it would gain by joining this by now well-established club of rising powers — in many ways the fresh face of the Global South in the new century.”

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