Hefner Gives Keynote Addresses at Indonesian Conference on Humanitarian Islam
Professor Robert Hefner delivered keynote addresses at a major conference on Humanitarian Islam in Jakarta, where 500 Muslim scholars gathered to discuss Nahdlatul Ulama, the world’s largest Muslim educational organization, and its role in global ethical reform.
Hefner Explores Nahdlatul Ulama’s Rights Revolution
On December 14, 2023, Professor Robert Hefner, renowned for his work in Anthropology and International Relations, addressed an international conference in Princeton. Presenting on Nahdlatul Ulama’s human rights reformation, Hefner emphasized the global significance of their efforts. His keynote marked the conference’s culmination, fostering dialogue on upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Hefner Comments on Islam in Indonesia
On September 4, 2023, Robert Hefner, Professor of Anthropology and of International Relations at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Director of the School’s Center for the Study of Asia, was interviewed by Dr. Muqtedar Khan on his show, Khanversations with Prof. Muqtedar Khan, on the nature of Islam in Indonesian government and society. In the…
Najam Delivers Oxford Lecture on Climate Change, Islam, and Muslim Societies
Based on the new research Najam has been conducting at Oxford as the Mahatir Mohamad Visiting Fellow, the talk reviewed what the role of religion in general and Islam, in particular, would be in Muslim societies in the “Age of Adaptation” where climate impacts have become a reality.
Najam Leads Seminar on Religion and Environment
Professor Najam suggested that the view that “if we only get the science right, the right values will themselves emerge” has proven to be insufficient and it is time to move from a science-faith divide to a common strategy for confronting one of the great moral crises of our times: climate change.
Hefner Attends International Conference on Islamic Law and Inclusive Citizenship
Professor Hefner argued that Indonesia, and NU specifically, has the potential to make enormous contributions to the global community; “it’s time for NU to rise to the international stage, speak out, and make such a positive contribution to solving political problems as well as intellectual and moral challenges faced by all humanity.”
Najam Named Mahatir Mohamad Visiting Fellow at Oxford
Professor Najam plans to work on two research projects during his fellowships: one on elaborating an Islamic vocabulary for environmentalism and particularly for climate change, and another related to elaborating policy pathways for the “Age of Adaptation” and particularly for Loss and Damage climate policy.
Menchik Discusses Spread of Moderate Islam During AICIS Plenary
In his remarks, Professor Menchik addresses two main questions: how can moderate Islam be effectively implemented in the public sphere, and what are the internal and external challenges to identity politics in Indonesia and the wider world?
Hefner Explores Impact of Television on Indonesian Islamic Resurgence
Professor Hefner notes that a far-reaching Islamic resurgence has occurred over the past 24 years, coincident with Indonesia’s return to electoral democracy, and an often overlooked feature of that resurgence has been the role of television media.
Hefner Offers Insights Into Successes of Indonesian Democracy
“The challenges that Indonesian democracy faces have more to do with structural vulnerabilities that are plaguing or afflicting democracy around the world than they do anything specific to ‘Islam’ or Muslim society in Indonesia.”
Hefner Keynotes IIIU First International Conference on Islamic Education
Among the world’s Muslim majority countries, Indonesia has been the most successful in transitioning to a functioning and fair electoral democracy as well as upholding a tradition of multiethnic and multireligious citizenship; this is something the whole world can learn from.
Menchik Co-Authors Journal Article on Election Campaigns in Indonesia
Under what conditions will Islamists moderate to support democracy and pluralism? Under what conditions will they adopt more exclusive behavior?
Hefner Discusses Conservative Islam in Indonesia at AAS Conference
Professor Hefner’s remarks echoed the findings of his recent paper, which analyzes the causes and consequences of the “conservative turn” in Indonesian Muslim politics in democratic Indonesia.
Hefner Discusses Exclusive/Inclusive Practices of Islamist Movements
Based on forthcoming research, Professor Hefner’s remarks explore the declining momentum of Islamist movements in the aftermath of the Arab Spring and the temporary rise of ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
Hefner Joins Fellow Fulbright Scholars for Fulbright Indonesia Day Panel
In his remarks, Professor Hefner spoke about how Islamic educators in the state Islamic University system have played such a pivotal role in communicating that democracy and multireligious citizenship are in fact compatible with Islam.
Menchik Speaks at Harvard Law School on Bureaucratizing Islam
Menchik presented a paper on the “Politics of the Fatwa” that mapped the Indonesian government’s attempts to control Islam thru bureaucratization.
Hefner Presents at Conference on Islam at George Mason University
Prof. Robert Hefner presented a paper on, “Plurality in Being Islamic: Perspectives from Indonesia on the Balkans-to-Bengal Legacy.”
Menchik Speaks at Stanford on Indonesian Islamic Civil Society
Prof. Jeremy Menchik spoke at two events at Stanford University on October 12, 2017.
Menchik in The Atlantic on Dutch Anti-Muslim Bigotry
Prof. Jeremy Menchik discusses the recent parliamentary elections in the Netherlands and the history of Dutch anti-Muslim bigotry.
Hefner in CNN Politics on Education in the Middle East
Prof. Robert Hefner discusses comments made by incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn on Middle Eastern Islamic religious schools.