Klinger Speaks at MIT E4Dev Speaker Series
Prof. Julie Klinger gave a talk entitled “Technology, Mining, Violence, and Alternatives: Global Lessons from the Amazon for a Green New Deal.”
Shifrinson Gives Talk at MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Prof. Joshua Shifrinson gave a talk entitled “Rising Titans, Falling Giants: China’s Rise and American Decline in Perspective.”
Najam Speaks at MIT SPURS Humphrey Fellows Commencement
Dean Adil Najam was the keynote speaker at the 49th commencement ceremony of the MIT SPURS and Humphrey Fellows.
Najam and Stern Speak at MIT TPP 40th Anniversary
Profs Adil Najam and Jessica Stern spoke at the 40th Anniversary Symposium of MIT’s Technology and Policy program.
Najam Talks Infrastructure at MIT
Adil Najam tells MIT conference why innovation must focus on the needs of the poor.