Storella and Weinstein Host the U.S. Department of State, International Visitor Leadership Program

This past Wednesday, September 13th, Ambassador Mark Storella, Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and Director of the School’s African Studies Center, and Lt Gen Jack Weinstein, USAF (Ret), Professor of the Practice of International Security at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies hosted…

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Eckstein Interviewed on Findings of and Contention Surrounding “Cuban Privilege

Professor Eckstein outlines the findings of her book, what motivated her to pursue this line of research, why United States immigration policy gives a special exception to Cuban immigrants and the impact of these policies, as well as the controversy surrounding her latest book.

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Shifrinson Co-Authors Article on President Biden’s “Pragmatic Realism”

“Although his predecessor…gave voice to similar impulses, it is Biden who offers a more coherent version of pragmatic realism – a mode of thought that prizes the advancement of tangible U.S. interests, expects other states to follow their own interests, and changes course to get what the United States needs in a competitive world.”

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Shifrinson Discusses U.S. “Neo‐​Primacy” Strategy on Cato Podcast

Professor Shifrinson weighs in on a new critique of the restraint school in U.S. foreign policy debates and explains why the strategy proposed by some liberal internationalists to confront a rising China – a strategy he terms “neo‐​primacy” – is bound to fail.

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