Seminar by Former Google Executive - How to Become Star Performer in Tech?

  • Starts: 6:00 pm on Tuesday, February 21, 2017
  • Ends: 9:00 pm on Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Every star shines in her own way, and there are many factors in common among the star performers. Drawn from his performance experience at Google and interview with executives in top-notch tech companies, Richard Liu will share insights on key factors to become a star performer in Tech and offer a framework to bring these insights to life and guide your career planning, development, and leaping to a new height. The seminar is organized mainly for students. [Bio] Richard Liu is a technology executive, entrepreneur, and investor. He was an Engineering Director at Google before he started his own company earlier this year. In the seven years in Google, he was a key leader in a wide range of product areas from Enterprise Search, Shopping, Offers to Project Fi. In, he is building a career development framework to enable people to leap to their dream career. Richard is also a partner at TEEC Angel Fund and Tsingyuan Ventures, which invested in over 150 startups including two unicorns. Richard obtained his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Florida and MBA from Southern Methodist University. He earned his master’s degree from Tsinghua University and bachelor’s degree from Sichuan University. [Venue] Boston University, Law Auditorium, 765 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215 [Time] Tue, February 21, 2017 07:00 PM – 09:00 PM EST [Hosts] BUGCC (Boston University Global China Connection) MIT CEO (MIT Chinese Entrepreneurs Organization) NEU CSSA (NEU Chinese Students and Scholars Association) [RSVP]
Dr. Richard Liu
Boston University Law Auditorium
765 Commonwealth Avenue Law Auditorium Boston, MA 02215
Contact Organization:
Boston University Global China Connection
Contact Name:
Yichen Li
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