Leveling The Playing Field In STEM

  • Starts: 6:00 pm on Tuesday, March 23, 2021
  • Ends: 7:00 pm on Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Black and Latinx Americans are underrepresented in STEM jobs. The root reasons are myriad: limited access to quality education, discrimination in recruitment and promotion practices, and disparities in STEM-based programming across youth communities to name a few. A range of perspectives and having as many voices at the table as possible will be crucial to solving the global issues before us. Join Meghna Chakrabarti, host of WBUR's On Point, for a wide-ranging conversation with field experts on how to develop solutions to reverse these trends. Panelists: Tarika Barrett - CEO, Girls Who Code Nigel Jacob - co-chair, Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics Adrian Mims - founder and national director, The Calculus Project Karl Reid - senior vice provost and chief inclusion officer, Northeastern University
Contact Organization:
WBUR CitySpace

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