Forum on African Diaspora, Remittances, and Co-Development

  • Starts: 8:30 am on Saturday, September 27, 2014
  • Ends: 6:00 pm on Saturday, September 27, 2014
The Forum "Africans and the African Diaspora: Co-Defining Paths for Africa's Transformation" focuses on the ways that African diaspora members in the United States contribute to their communities of origin in the form of individual and collective remittances and co-define paths for Africa’s social and economic transformation. The all-day event is co-organized by the BU Center for Finance, Law & Policy, as well as CFA, CADUS, OXFAM, Energy Africa, and the African Union Commission Office in the U.S. It brings together African diaspora members, policy makers, financial institutions, and scholars of migration and diaspora, for discussion about leveraging African diaspora contributions for Africa’s development. The potentials of the remittances to contribute to local entrepreneurship, innovation, and productive investment are examined, and relevant topics of diaspora financial education and financial inclusion are explored.
Speakers include diaspora representatives, policy makers, development experts, and members of the BU CFLP Remittance Task Force.
2424 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington DC 20008
Contact Organization:
BU Center for Finance, Law & Policy
Contact Name:
Dr. Daivi Rodima-Taylor
Contact Phone:

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