Lorena A. Barba

Mechanical Engineering Department, Boston University

Lorena Barba obtained her Ph.D. in Aeronautics from California Institute of Technology in 2004. She then joined the Department of Mathematics at the University of Bristol, UK. In the Fall of 2008, she took a position as Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering in Boston University. Prof. Barba is a computational scientist and a fluid dynamicist. Her research covers particle methods used for fluid simulation, the development of fast and efficient algorithms, the use of novel computer architectures, as well as fundamental and applied aspects of fluid dynamics.

Barba is an Amelia Earhart Fellow of the Zonta Foundation (1999), an awardee of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) First Grant scheme (UK, 2007), an NVIDIA Academic Partner award recipient (2011), and a recipient of the National Science Foundation Early CAREER award (2012), and has recently been appointed by NVIDIA Corp. as CUDA Fellow.
