Skillsmatch! Now Available for PhDs.

Skillsmatch is a skill inventorying tool created by Lightcast (previously EMSI/BurningGlass). Skillsmatch allows you to inventory your current skill set, suggests aligned career families to explore, and provides personalized PhD Progression badge recommendations to fill your skill gaps so that you know where to act to increase your marketability for whichever career pathway fits your interests, skills, and values. It also allows you to access and explore job postings across the United States!

Professional Development & Postdoctoral Affairs is piloting the use of this tool. All PhD students at BU have access to Skillsmatch.


*Note: please use your BU email address to sign up

** Note: when doing your skills inventory, please carefully consider all your education, jobs, etc. – every experience counts! Try to select 40+ skills for the algorithm to return relevant recommendations.


Learn more about how to use Skillsmatch in the video below or here:

If you have feedback or suggestions for Skillsmatch, please fill out this form.