Student News

Graduate Student Marie Le Blevennec Receives BUCH Dissertation Fellowship

The Department would like to congratulate graduate student Marie Le Blevennec on being awarded a BU Center for the Humanities (BUCH) Graduate Dissertation Fellowship for the 2023-2024 academic year. Marie’s research focuses on various ethical problems concerning the impact of new reproductive technologies on procreation, and on the resulting moral dilemmas facing prospective parents, medical […]

Graduate Student Federica Bocchi Publishes Piece in “Extinct”

The Philosophy Department would like to congratulate PhD candidate Federica Bocchi on her article, titled “Are We In a Biodiversity Crisis? Paleocurves, Measurements, and Problematic Inferences”, which was published earlier this month in Extinct: the Philosophy of Palaeontology Blog. Click here for a link to the article. Federica writes the following overview of her argument: […]

Graduate Student Cansu Hepçağlayan Publishes Article in “Ethical Theory and Moral Practice”

The Philosophy Department is excited to announce that one of our PhD students, Cansu Hepçağlayan, just had an article published in the journal Ethical Theory and Moral Practice. The article is titled “Reasons for Political Friendship.” Click here for the link to the article. The abstract is as follows: “ Scholarly curiosity about political friendship […]

Graduate Student Micah Trautmann Receives Center on Forced Displacement Fellowship

The Department would like to commend and congratulate graduate student Micah Trautmann for being awarded a year-long dissertation fellowship at BU’s Center on Forced Displacement, in association with their upcoming Mellon Sawyer Seminars on border externalization. As a research fellow, Micah will continue work on his dissertation, “Refugees and a Right to Place,” help organize […]

Professor Paul Katsafanas, Grad Students, & Alumnus Presenting in North American Nietzsche Society Conference

The Department is pleased to share that Professor Paul Katsafanas, graduate students Joel Van Fossen and Caroline Wall, and alumnus Ian Dunkle will be presenting at the 2022 North American Nietzsche Society Conference in two weeks. The Conference will be held on October 7th and October 8th, 2022, at Brown University. You can find the […]

Grad Student Lewis Wang and Dept. Chair Sally Sedgwick to Present Papers at UK Kant Society Conference

The Department is pleased to share that current graduate student Lewis Wang and Professor & Department Chair Sally Sedgwick have been selected to present papers at the UK Kant Society’s conference this September in London, titled “The Revolutionary Kant”. The UKKS, founded in 1994 by Graham Bird, “exists to encourage the study of all aspects […]

Graduate Student Cansu Hepcaglayan to Present at Eastern APA 2023

The Department is pleased to share that Cansu Hepcaglayan has had a paper selected for presentation at the American Philosophical Association’s 2023 Eastern Division Meeting. Cansu will present in the Concerned Philosophers for Peace group session, and her paper is titled, “How to Cultivate Civic Friendship in Polarized Societies”. The Meeting takes place this upcoming […]

Philosophy of the Geosciences Group Co-Authors Paper, Speak at Conferences, and More

Members of Professor Alisa Bokulich’s Phi-Geo Research Group published a co-authored paper on “Are We in a Sixth Mass Extinction? The Challenges of Answering and Value of Asking”. The paper started as a project of philosophy undergraduate (now alumna) Gloria Grand-Pierre, funded by the BU Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program in the 2020-2021 academic year, and […]