Karbank Fellowship 2022 Applications Now Available

The Philosophy Department is pleased to announce this year’s competition for Karbank Fellowships is now open for the applications of undergraduate BU students who will have taken at least two philosophy classes at BU by the end of the Spring 2022 semester. Completed applications are due Monday, April 18, 2022. 

The purpose of the Karbank Fellowships is to assist students in pursuing their philosophical reflections in any number of ways. The Fellowships are generously funded by Steven Karbank, who graduated from BU in 1979 with a double major in philosophy and psychology, and whose experience here in the Department stayed with him as he traversed a successful career in business at home in Kansas City, MO. In recognition of his valuable experiences here at BU, Mr. Karbank continues to be an incredibly generous contributor to the department who makes it possible for excellent students to explore philosophy outside of the classroom.

Although the Fellowships are especially receptive to projects pertaining to environmental issues, the Fellowships are not limited to projects with this focus. Any structured activity, study, or hands-on experience that would significantly enrich the student’s philosophical understanding of self and world is a candidate for support. Successful applicants receive up to $6500: $2500 of this amount is a grant recognizing the awardee’s achievement and up to $4000 is for budgeted expenses. Preference is given to philosophy majors and minors, and to returning students over graduating students, but any student who meets the requirements is eligible to apply.

Incredible projects exploring varying facets of philosophy were completed last year with funding from the 2021 Karbank Fellowships:

Melissa Boberg (’22) created Journey to the Center of the Self: A Limited Podcast Series, a podcast interviewing philosophers and exploring philosophical dialogues through literal dialogue.

Luca Del Deo (’22) wrote A Meditation Guide to Socrates’ Daimonion, a paper exploring the concepts of a daimon and a tulpa.

Victoria Keefauver (’24) produced a research project consisting of exploring the link between legal and moral philosophy with respect to mental health in public schools.

Sara Kullnigg (’22) explored the complexities of living during and in the aftermath of a refugee crisis in a research project.

Selena Lee (’23) conducted interviews exploring ways philosophy is present in everyone’s life for Exploring “Practical” Philosophy.

Juan Ruiz (’23) conducted interviews for a research project to introduce non-Anglo-Saxon ideas to Western academia.

Kimberly Schneider (’24) worked on a project documenting work at a non-profit focused on philosophy of race issues.

Liz Smith created Emergence and Eudaimonia, a multi-media exhibit exploring eudaimonia with respect to COVID-19.

Ethan Thwaites (’22) worked on an engineering-adjacent project about capturing and recycling CO2.

Click here to learn more about Karbank projects.

Best of luck to all applicants, and congratulations to all recipients who have done such incredible work in the field of philosophy with Mr. Karbank’s generous support!

Click here for more information on applying.