Sharon Lloyd, Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern California
Common Good and Self-Interest in Hobbes’s Law of Nature
Jeffrey McMahan, Professor of Philosophy, Rutgers University
War, Terrorism and the “War on Terror”
Julia Driver, Professor of Philosophy, Dartmouth College
Attributions of Causation and Moral Responsibility
Tian Yu Cao, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Boston University
Structural Realism and Theoretical Physics Today
Peter Goldie, The Samuel Hall Chair in Philosophy, and Head of Philosophy, University of Manchester (UK)
Empathy in Our Engagement with Fictional Characters
Simon Keller, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Boston University
Do We Want an Ethics of Loyalty? Some Lessons from Royce
Alan White, John Findlay Visiting Professor, Boston University; and Mark Hopkins, Professor of Philosophy, Willams College
Can Philosophy be Systematic, and Ought it to Be?
Susan Okin, Stanford University
Multiculturalism and Feminism: No Simple Question, No Simple Answers
P.J. Ivanhoe, John Findlay Visiting Professor, Boston University
The Value of Spontaneity
Manfred Kuehn, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Kant’s Virtues Reconsidered
Eckart Förster, Johns Hopkins University
The Significance of §§ 76 and 77 of the Critique of Judgment for the Development of Post-Kantian Philosophy
Günter Zöller, University of Munich
Of Empty Thoughts and Blind Intuitions: Kant’s Answer to McDowell
Susan Neiman, Director, Einstein Forum (Berlin)
Chapter 4: Evil in Modern Thought
Henry Allison, Boston University
Kant and Two Dogmas of Rationalism
P.J. Ivanhoe, University of Michigan
Literature and Ethics in the Chinese Confucian Tradition
Stephen Mulhall, John Findlay Visiting Professor, Oxford University
Ethics in the Light of Wittgenstein
Reviel Netz, Stanford University
The Aesthetics of Mathematics
Vincent Hendricks, Roskilde University-Denmark
Active Agents
Hugh Baxter, Boston University School of Law
Habermas and Rawls: Discourse Theory and Political Liberalism
Jonathan Lear, University of Chicago
Self-Disrupting Mind, Self-Disrupting Emotions
Mary Coleman, Harvard University
Motivation, Action, and the Self
Mathias Risse, Yale University
Rawls on Responsibility and Primary Goods
Karen Neander, Johns Hopkins
Why Function? The Role of Function in Typing Traits
Marina Oshana, Bowling Green State University
The Misguided Marriage of Responsibility and Autonomy
David Copp, Bowling Green State University
Realist-Expressivism: A Neglected Option for Moral Realism
Alisa Bokulich, University of Notre Dame
Rethinking Thought Experiments
Peter Schwartz, Florida International University
Functions in Molecular Biology
G.R.F. Ferrari, University of California at Berkeley
City and Soul in Plato’s Republic
Susan Haack, University of Miami
Science, Literature, and the “Literature of Science”
David Wiggins, Oxford University
Consequentialism and the Right and the Good
Jorge Garcia, Rutgers University
The Virtues in Moral Theory
Paul Woodruff, University of Texas, Austin
Singing the Unsung Virtues: Reverence and Good Judgment
Adrian Cussins, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Nonconceptual Content, Frames of Reference, Trails of Information, and Singular Thought
Gregory Fried, Boston University
On Heidegger’s Polemos and Politics: A Critique of Communitarian and Postmodernist Readings
Thomas Pogge, Columbia University
Human Flourishing and Justice
Alexander Rosenberg, University of Georgia
Limits to Biological Knowledge
A. John Simmons, University of Virginia
Justification and Legitimacy
David Wong, Brandeis University
Pluralistic Relativism
David Lyons, Boston University
How Should We Understand Utilitarianism?
Myles Burnyeat, Cambridge University
The Past in the Present: Plato as Educator of Nineteenth-Century Britain
James Griffin, Oxford University
Virtue Ethics
Steven Horst, Wesleyan University
Naturalism and Its Discontents
David Pears, Oxford University, Emeritus
Saying and Doing: The Pragmatic Aspect of Wittgenstein’s Treatment of “I”
Catherine Elgin, MIT
Take It from Me: the Epistemological Status of Testimony
Linda Zagzebski, Loyola Marymount College
What Is Knowledge?
Diana Raffman, Ohio State University
The Long and Short of Perceptual Memory: A New Argument for Qualia
Shaun Gallagher, Canisus College, Buffalo, NY
The Molyneux Question and Some New Principles of Perception
Christopher Ricks
The Pursuit of Metaphor
Michael Janssen, Boston University
The Trouton-Noble Experiment: Making a Better Case for Special Relativity
Malcolm Shofield, Cambridge University
Equality and Hierarchy in Aristotle’s Social and Political Thought
Julia Annas, University of Arizona
Ethics Without Politics in Plato’s Republic
William Desmond, University of Louvain (Belgium)
Freedom Beyond Autonomy
Palle Yourgrau, Brandeis University
Time, Existence and Quantification
Stanley Rosen, Boston University
Are We Such Stuff as Dreams are Made on? A Critique of Reductionism
Glenn Loury, Boston University
Self-Censorship in Public Discourse: A Theory ‘Political Correctness’ and Related Phenomena
Victor Kestenbaum, Boston University
At the Intersection of Reality and Imagination: Notes on John Dewey and Wallace Stevens
Ed Casey, State University of New York at Stony Brook
On Place and Space: A Philosophical History
Cornelia Klinger, Institut fur die Wissensschaften vom Menschen
The Idea and Outlook of a Feminist Approach to Philosophy
Edwin Delattre, Boston University
Pushing Against the Age
Nancy Murphy, Fuller Theological Seminary
Postmodern Non-Relativism: Imre Lakatos and Alasdair MacIntyre
Alfredo Ferrarin, University of Pisa
Kant’s Productive Imagination and its Alleged Antecedents
Allen Speight, Boston University
The Role of Tragedy in Hegel’s Philosophy of Action
Ronna Burger, Tulane University
The Argument and the Action of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
Kenneth Schaffner, George Washington University
Case-Based Reasoning in Bioethics and a Theory of Human Good
Robert Pippin, University of California/ San Diego
Hegel, Ethical Reasons, Kantian Rejoinders
Karsten Harries, Yale University
Beauty, Language, and Re-Presentation
Rémi Brague, Université Sorbonne, Paris
Aristotle’s God: What is He ‘Doing’?
David Roochnik, Boston University
Stanley Fish and the Old Quarrel between Rhetoric and Philosophy
Harvey Cormier, University of Texas/ Austin
Cornel West and the Politics of Pragmatism
Glenn Loury, Boston University
Thinking about Affirmative Action
Frank Snowden, Howard University, Emeritus of Classics
Misconceptions about African Blacks in the Ancient Mediterranean World: Implications for Education
Martin Kusch, University of Toronto
The Genealogy of Philosophical Facts– a Foucauldian History of ‘Psychologism’
Sahortra Sarkar, Boston University
What is ‘Genetic’?
Loren Lomasky, Bowling Green State University
On Ethics
Christopher Ricks, Boston University
Austin’s Swink: J.L. Austin and Allusion
Drew Hyland, Trinity College
On Heidegger’s interpretation of Plato
Anthony Appiah, Harvard University
On philosophy and literature
Evan Thompson, University of Toronto
On cognitive science