High Throughput Screening of Cardiomyopathy in 3D Engineered Tissues

Project Description

The project would involve using our 96 well-plate platform with microtugs to assess tissues from cells produced by the Adam Helms lab. We will compare results measured on our high throughput platform with those measured with Helms’ 2D micropatterning muscle bundle system (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-26496-1).

The Helms group will thaw and transduce the iPSC-CMs at UM, re-freeze, then ship, so they’d be directly ready for making tissues


Thomas Bifano & Francisco Sanchez

Project Timeline

Week 1: Orientation (w/ materials provided by Francisco Sanchez)
Week 2: Material transfer and tissue seeding at BU (w/ Josh Lee)
Week 3: Preliminary testing
Week 4: Data analysis, additional testing
Week 5: Interpretation and presentation