Lei Tian

Imaging with a Random Focusing Optical Element


The goal of this thesis is to establish a novel computational imaging system with the use of a novel random focusing element to integrate both fundus imaging and wavefront sensing. In particular, diffuser-based computational imaging has shown the potential to achieve wide field-of-view and extended depth-of-field fundoscopy, and to enable high dynamic range and dense wavefront sampling with reduced cost and system complexity as compared to conventional systems. Our goal is to exploit the randomly focused caustic pattern formed by the diffuser to simultaneously perform high-resolution imaging and aberration characterization. The project will develop a novel imaging system that integrates a diffuser imager and an optimized ocular illuminator to acquire information-rich caustic-encoded images.


Yunzhe Li


-Investigate imaging principle of diffuser based imaging in matlab and zemax simulation
-Investigate and develop micro/3D printing fabrication protocols to develop custom diffuser element.
-Integrate fabricated diffuser in our imaging system
-Perform imaging and reconstruction


-Principle of computational imaging
-Design and fabrication customized optical element
-Optical system integration

Learn more about Professor Tian on their faculty page.