Precision Measurement Laboratory (PML)

IMG_0650-The Precision Measurement Laboratory is a shared-use, core facility dedicated to the characterization of materials using scanning and surface probe microscopies. It also provides capabilities for examination of topographical features using optical laser interferometry profiling.


Address: 8 Saint Mary’s St., Rooms B-19, B10 & B-25, Boston, MA 02215
Contact: Alexey Nikiforov,, Tel: (617) 353-9045

To receive training or help: Please fill in the following: Research Application Form and submit it to lab manager.

Do not ask NPGS EBL training without learning Phenom SEM.

Instrument Description Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Training Video
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) Zeiss Supra40_NPGS_2024
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) Zeiss Supra 55VP
Phenom PROX Desktop SEM with EDS ThermoFisher Phenom Available
Atomic Force Microscope Bruker AFM_2024
Interferometric  Surface Profiler Zygo Ametek
Sputter Coater Cressington Cressington 108
Carbon Evaporator Cressington CarbonCoater_SOP_2024
Agilent CARY5000 Agilent CARY5000_2024
Bruker Optics FTIR Bruker Optics FTIR_2024