Sleep Glossary

Species Name
This is the scientific name of the species spelled and reported exactly as it is in the actual paper.
Common Name
This is the common name of the species spelled and reported exactly as it is in the actual paper.
This is the sex of the sampled animals. For some papers, there is a mix of males and females in the papers because the authors did not always separate the sleep data according to sex.
Type of animal
This is whether the animal is a marine mammal or a land mammal.
Age class
This is the age class of the animal lass that the authors of the paper classify the animals as (infant, juvenile, adult, etc.)
Number of Animals in Calculated Mean
This is the number of animals in the study subjected to EEG recordings, telemetry, or behavioral observations.
Number of animals sampled
This is the number of animals used in the study (should be the same as number of animals in calculated mean).
This is whether sleep stages were recorded electrically through either electroencephalogram (EEG) or electrocorticogram (ECoG).
In the test environment, investigators maintained a temperature that was normal/ambient for the animal or subjected the animal to extreme temperatures.
Recording Period
This refers to how long sleep was recorded.
This is whether investigators manipulated light during the test conditions. Abnormal light/dark conditions were manipulated; normal light/dark conditions were not manipulated.
Was the animal allowed time to adapt to recording conditions prior to the recording of sleep?
Animal Restrained
Was the animal
Monophasic or/Hibernation
Did the animal enter torpor, hibernation, both, or not?
Type of Paper
This is whether the paper is an abstract, scientific paper, review paper, letter to the editor, or other.
Foreign language
Was the paper published in a language other than English?
Was the paper published after the year 1988?
Please include the actual recording time (in hours) that is reported in the paper (i.e., 5.5 hours, 12 hours, etc.). Please enter any other information that might be necessary to understand the data. If there are no additional notes, enter s that the animal spent in paradoxical (REM) sleep on land during the recording period.
Daily PS Time in Water Bihemispheric
This is the total number of hours that the animal spent in bihemispheric paradoxical (REM) sleep in water during the recording period.
Daily PS Time on Land Bihemispheric
This is the total number of hours that the animal spent in bihemispheric paradoxical (REM) sleep on land during the recording period.
Quiet Sleep Time on Land Bihemishperic
This is the total number of hours that the animal spent in bihemispheric quiet (Non-REM) sleep on land during the recording period.
Quiet Sleep Time in Water Bihemishperic
This is the total number of hours the animal spent in bihemispheric quiet (Non-REM) sleep in water during the recording period.
This is the total number of hours the animal spent in unihemispheric slow-wave sleep (also known as unihemispheric non-REM or unihemispheric quiet sleep) during the recording period.
This is the total number of hours the animal spent in bihemishperic slow-wave sleep (also known as bihemishperic non-REM or bihemispheric quiet sleep) during the recording period.
This is the total number of hours the animal spent in asynchronous slow-wave sleep (also known as asynchronous non-REM or asynchronous quiet sleep) during the recording period.
Quiet Sleep Time in water
This is the total number of hours the animal spent in quiet sleep (also known as non-REM) in water during the recording period.
Quiet Sleep Time on Land
This is the total number of hours the animal spent in quiet sleep (also known as non-REM) on land during the recording period.
Sleep Time Including Drowsiness
This is the total number of hours the animal spent asleep and drowsy.
Total Daily Sleep Time
This is the total number of hours the animal slept during the recording period.