Learn physics in Geneva!

The semester starts with a six-week orientation. During that time, students attend a course (PY482: Undergraduate Physics Seminar on Computation for Experimental Particle Physics) at CERN, in addition to intensive French classes. Both courses are accompanied by weekly follow-ups. During the internship, the students are mentored by BU physicists and others at CERN and the University of Geneva.

The lectures at the University of Geneva (Electrodynamics and Quantum Mechanics) are taught in French, with a separate discussion section in English held weekly. Students are considered full-time University of Geneva students, and enjoy all student privileges. Boston University’s residence hall is located in the center of Geneva.

For more program details, requirements, and application deadlines, please visit the Boston University Study Abroad website.

Want to Apply?

Please visit the Boston University Study Abroad website for more information.