Ken Burch, Boston College: Post Pandemic Tool for Quantum Materials and vice-versa

  • Starts: 3:30 pm on Tuesday, March 14, 2023
  • Ends: 4:25 pm on Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Raman scattering, invented at the end of the last pandemic, can provide a wealth of information on the fractional, magnetic, lattice, and charge quasi-particles at the heart of quantum materials and devices. After a brief overview of the technique and its power, I will focus on our recent discovery of the Axial Higgs Mode via Quantum interference. Here a new quasi-particle emerges from the combination of quantum geometry and strong correlations. This demonstrates the power of Raman to reveal the vector properties of a low energy mode, heralds the discovery of the first unconventional charge density wave, and multi-component symmetry-breaking transition. Time permitting, I will discuss our efforts to use quantum materials in biosensing to help prevent the next pandemic.
RKC 101
Ken Burch
Boston College
Liam Fitzpatrick