Hyper-Kamiokande project
- Starts: 3:30 pm on Thursday, February 20, 2025
- Ends: 5:30 pm on Thursday, February 20, 2025
Hyper-Kamiokande project consists with 3 components; Hyper-Kamiokande detector, J-PARC neutrino beam upgrade, and the near detector system. Hyper-Kamiokande detector is the 3rd generation of extremely successful water Cherenkov neutrino detectors at the Kamioka Observatory, Japan (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2002 and 2015). It is a 261 kton water tank with roughly 8 times the fiducial volume of Super-Kamiokande which will help us to push all science to an unprecedented level, including beam-based neutrino physics, astrophysics, and beyond-the-Standard-Model discovery science. In this talk, I will mainly discuss the status of the Hyper-Kamiokande detector construction and R&D.
- Location:
- PRB 595
- Speaker
- Teppei Katori
- Institution
- King's College London
- Host
- Ed Kearns