Associate Professor

Research Interests:

Quantum Field Theory

Quantum field theory is a framework that is capable of describing a vast range of systems that at first glance may appear to have nothing in common. The key concepts connecting such different systems are emergence and universality – in other words, when you zoom out and look at systems on larger scales, they can behave quite differently than their individual components do, and moreover most of the detailed properties of the individual components are irrelevant for the large-scale behavior. When quantum field theories systematically focus on only large-scale behavior, they are called “effective field theories,” and I am interested in using them to simplify and unify many seemingly different models. These concepts become especially powerful when we look at systems that are “scale-invariant,” i.e. they continue to behave in exactly the same manner even as we look at them on longer and longer distances. Such scale-invariant theories are at the heart of a large part of modern physics. I am especially interested in their remarkable ability to describe quantum theories of gravity through highly non-trivial “dualities,” where different theoretical descriptions turn out to be equivalent, or “dual,” to each other.

Selected Publications:

Closure of the Operator Product Expansion in the Non-Unitary Bootstrap,” Ilya Esterlis, David Ramirez, JHEP 1611, 030, (2016)

“Universal Bounds on Charged States in 2d CFT and 3d Gravity,” Nathan Benjamin, Ethan Dyer, Shamit Kachru. JHEP 1608, 041 (2016)

“On Information Loss in AdS3/CFT2,” Jared Kaplan, Daliang Li, and Junpu Wang, JHEP 1605, 109 (2016)

“Small Black Holes and Near-Extremal CFTs,” Nathan Benjamin, Ethan Dyer, Alexander Maloney, Eric Perlmutter, JHEP 1608, 023 (2016)

“A Quantum Correction to Chaos,” Jared Kaplan. JHEP 1605, 070 (2016)

For a full list of publications, please see the attached CV.


  • Sloan Research Fellow