The Departmental Honors Senior Thesis, also referred to as Work for Distinction, is an opportunity for students to conduct in-depth research as a capstone project in their undergraduate education. An undergraduate thesis provides an opportunity to explore a specific topic or question in depth, beyond what is possible in a regular course. Independent study encourages a deeper understanding of the subject matter and helps develop critical thinking and research skills. Writing and defending a thesis develops skills in background research, technical writing, and oral presentation. Students in the Physics major as well as any of our joint majors are eligible to complete an Honors thesis. 

There is no formal GPA requirement, but it is expected that only students with a strong performance in coursework should elect to pursue an Honors thesis. Academic performance will be a criterion under consideration for approval.

The Senior Honors Thesis is a two semester endeavor, requiring 8 credit hours of directed study. Concurrent support by UROP or other research funds is allowed. Students will register for CAS PY401 and CAS PY402 in their senior year. Before registration for PY401, the student will identify a faculty research supervisor and produce a research proposal to be approved by the research supervisor and Physics Department Director of Undergraduate Studies. The format of the proposal is a written narrative describing the topic, the goals of the research, and a plan and timeline for accomplishing the work– including writing the thesis. The proposal should identify two additional committee members who will review the work upon completion. Proposals should be submitted as a PDF document to the Physics Department Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Margaret Barch ( and will be reviewed by the Physics Department Director of Undergraduate Studies. The deadline is one weeks to the day before the first day of classes in the Fall semester. Early submissions are welcome for discussion with the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

PY401 is approved for the following BU Hub learning outcomes: Intellectual Toolkit: Research and Information Literacy and Communication: Oral and/or Signed Communication. PY402 is under review for Communication: Writing Intensive, however students are generally advised to not let such an important requirement wait for the last semester of their final year. See the syllabus for more information about BU Hub learning outcomes.

Honors theses vary widely in length, depending on the topic. In general, students can anticipate preparing a document of 50-100 pages. Some, however, are longer. No later than April 30 of their senior year, students will present their finalized thesis to the committee along with an oral presentation of the work. The committee will consider both the written thesis and the result of the oral examination to determine whether the student will receive honors in the major.

Students who successfully produce and defend a senior honors thesis will receive a note of distinction on their transcript and diploma. Students will also receive cords to wear on their commencement regalia, recognizing their special achievement.