Strategic Priorities

BU Students walking down Comm ave during the fall.

BU’s Strategic Planning Task Force consulted with the entire BU community to identify strengths to build on, challenges to meet, opportunities to seize, and emerging areas to explore. They landed on these five strategic priorities that capture the core of who we are as a private research university and that will guide BU over the next 10 years: A Vibrant Academic Experience, Research That Matters, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Community, Big Yet Small, and Global Engagement.

Alex Creamer (CFA'17) pulls paint across her screen in Silkscreen Printing class.


A Vibrant Academic Experience

BU will provide all students a high-quality, residential educational experience, including academic offerings that address the world’s complex challenges, keep pace with rapidly advancing pedagogy, and prepare students for global citizenship.

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Woman working in 4th Floor lab of Kilachand Center with mask on.


Research that Matters

BU will continue its trajectory of excellence and grow the eminence of its collective research portfolio by hiring and supporting world-class, diverse faculty and enabling research across interconnecting disciplines to address society’s biggest challenges.

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Students looking ahead and smiling during Coffee and Conversation at HTC.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

BU will be a more diverse institution with equitable access, inclusive practices, and opportunities for all faculty, staff, and students while also contributing leading research and programs on social justice.

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Students happily throwing their caps in the air at the 2019 Boston University Commencement on Nickerson Field.


Community, Big Yet Small

BU will be an institution that empowers students, staff, and faculty to cultivate diverse communities where individuals can learn, grow, and engage across a large, urban campus and around the world.

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Boston University Sargent School of Health Science and Rehabilitation students help pave a section of road in an Akha hill tribe village in the province of Chiang Rai during a service learning trip to Thailand.


Global Engagement

BU will build and grow its presence in global hubs that support continued excellence in research that transcends national boundaries, offer compelling academic programs, and strengthen partnerships with alumni and other institutions for global impact.

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