
Policy Governance and Approval Processes

Proposals for additions and modifications to Boston University’s Academic and Administrative Policies are subject to careful review at many levels. Successful policy proposals should provide a compelling rationale that meets the highest standard of clarity and institutional necessity and is in alignment with the University’s and individual school and college strategic plans. Both academic and administrative University Policies go through the University’s development and approval process to ensure that a broad range of stakeholders are consulted.

University Policy development should include consultation with the constituencies (schools/colleges or other operating units) affected by the proposed policy. The chair of the policy drafting body is the sponsor of the policy and is responsible for moving it through the approval process. Proposals successfully vetted by the appropriate consultative bodies are then brought forward to University Council (academic policies) or the Council of Deans and Administrative Council (administrative policies) for a vote before going to the University President for final approval. Proposal development should begin with a review of the recommended issues to consider and follow the University’s uniform template.

When necessary to comply with laws or regulations, the President or Provost may approve issuance by senior leadership of University-wide policies that have not been considered by the University Council, Administrative Council, Council of Deans or Faculty Council. If the requirements of a University Policy are inconsistent with federal, state or local laws, follow the law.  If you have questions about the requirements of federal, state or local laws contact the Office of the General Counsel or Compliance Services.

If you have questions about University Policies or the process by which they are developed, contact the Compliance Services Office or the Office of the Provost. To request that changes be made to a Policy on the website, contact the Compliance Services Office. They can help you understand the process for updating Policies and Procedures.

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