Theatre (October 13 through November 17)
Sunday, October 13
- 2:00 PM Fringe Festival: Dark Sisters
Thursday, October 17
- 8:00 PM Motion Art
Friday, October 18
- 7:00 PM "Sonnet 4"- Concert presented by BU School of Music and The Shakespeare Concerts with Joseph Summer
Saturday, October 19
- 2:00 PM Fringe Festival: Siren Song
- 7:30 PM Fringe Festival: Siren Song
Sunday, October 20
- 2:00 PM Fringe Festival: Siren Song
- 7:30 PM Fringe Festival: Siren Song
Monday, November 4
- 4:00 PM Echoes of Herstory: Exploring Generational Legacies and Cultural Belongings Through Chilean Theater
Thursday, November 7
Friday, November 8
Saturday, November 9
Thursday, November 14
- 7:00 PM Soft Star
Friday, November 15
- 7:30 PM Julius Caesar
- 8:00 PM Soft Star
Saturday, November 16
- 2:00 PM How to -Not- Save the World with Mr. Bezos
- Julius Caesar
- The Sweet Science of Bruising
- 7:30 PM Julius Caesar
- The Sweet Science of Bruising
- 8:00 PM Soft Star
Sunday, November 17
- 10:00 AM The Sweet Science of Bruising
- 2:00 PM Julius Caesar
- Soft Star
- 7:00 PM How to -Not- Save The World with Mr. Bezos