All Topics (October 22 through October 23)
Tuesday, October 22
- 9:00 AM COVID-19 and Flu Immunization Clinics
- National Academies of Medicine: Potential Research Priorities to Inform Readiness and Response to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1): A Workshop
- 9:30 AM Coffee Break Series: Latham & Watkins
- 12:00 PM Resume & Cover Letter Drop-Ins
- 12:45 PM Precarity Lab: Ya-Ching Huang
- 3:30 PM Building a Stronger You
- Design Inquiry Presentations
- 4:00 PM Library Workshop: Visualization Literacy
- Pizza and Powerpoint Presentations
- 4:30 PM Black Students Support Group
- 5:00 PM Sanofi Q&A with a Recruiter: Register by Oct. 17
- WLA Faculty Meet and Greet
- Breath, Rhythm & Music for your Wellbeing
- Building & Strengthening Relationships
- BU Hillel: Glow in the Sukkah - Sukkot Bash
- 6:00 PM Arts & Crafts Night
- Graduate Admissions Info Session (Virtual)
- RAD for Women
- 7:00 PM Artist Adrienne Elise Tarver Discusses Her Public Art Fund Project: She Who Sits
- Excellence > Perfection: Perfectionism and Self-Compassion
- Tuesday Night Lecture Series: Anoushé Shojae-Chaghorvand