Time Management 101

By: Lexi Smith, Account Supervisor at PRLab 

November 5, 2018

As both PR professionals and college students are aware, sometimes it feels as though there just isn’t enough time in the day. Whether you’re running to classes, writing papers, and studying for tests, or researching a client, writing press releases, and prepping an executive for an interview, or even some crazy combination of the two, we’ve all gotten in bed too late and grappled with the thought of having to get up too soon, and start all over again.

Earlier this year, I was heavily involved in my work with a new client for PRLab in addition to my leadership and communication roles in two other student organizations, as well as my workload for four different courses. From the outset, I knew time was going to be a serious issue. Here’s five things I do to make sure I get all of my work done on time and with great quality.

  • Buy a planner. In buying a planner, make sure it fits what you’re looking to get from it. I needed not only a monthly overview page with big projects and deadlines, but also a week-by-week page to lay out what needs to be accomplished each day. The key here is to use the planner, which will ensure nothing will fall through the cracks. One of the worst things about having multiple priorities is that, if something slips by, everything else can also be thrown into chaos.

  • Set timely goals. Even on small tasks or things that weren’t assigned hard deadlines, make sure to set aside a time and date to have it completed, lest it fall into the endless chasm of  things “to-do [if I have time] tomorrow.”
  • Prioritize everything. This isn’t to say that you should be okay with not completing all of your tasks, but rather to see what needs to be done first and what can be done quickly when on the move or during a short break. Prioritization falls along the lines not only of importance, but also the amount of time it takes to complete. Sending an email to a colleague checking in on progress for a graphic or press release is quick and easy to do even on public transportation or during a lunch break, so it doesn’t have to be completed first thing in the morning as soon as you sit at your desk.

  • Keep a clean workspace. If you know me, you know that I am by no means a “neat freak” either at home or at work. I always know exactly where everything is when I need it, so it’s rarely a problem in normal life. However, when tasks start to pile up and deadlines begin to approach, it becomes even more important to make sure that every aspect of life is organized, right down to the kitchen pantry. Having everything in its place isn’t for everyone all the time, but not having to go back and think about where that file or this report is.
  • Limit needless screen time. With all of the apps now out, such as one of PRLab’s clients, FokisOn, that monitor how much time is used on “social” apps or games, finding a way to limit how much time is wasted on your phone is key when trying to make the most of your day. Setting time limits or alarms to make sure to stay productive is a must, especially for those of us who struggle with getting lost in the mindless scrolling of Instagram and Facebook. 

When things start to look hectic, I just double check this list to make sure everything is on track to brace myself for the storm to come. This works regardless of exactly what tasks I need to complete or which projects are competing for my attention, and translates easily across both agency and college life.