Tag: agency

Differences between Nonprofit and Corporate PR

PRLab’s Goodwill account team with James Harder, Director of Communications at Morgan Memorial Goodwill Industries, at a client event (photo courtesy of Goodwill Boston via Facebook). By: Olivia Zed, Account Supervisor for PRLab  November 12, 2018 When considering potential career options after graduation, students of public relations are often guided down one of two paths: […]

The Importance of PR for Tech Startups

By: Yuexin Qu, Account Supervisor at PRLab  October 15, 2018  When people don’t understand the importance of PR, they won’t invest their money in partnering with PR firms. However, PR is vital for startups’ overall growth and future development. Good PR can help startups shape positive public images and establish social media and traditional media […]

Five Communications Lessons to Learn from Fantasy Football

By: Eliza Garry, Account Supervisor at PRLab  October 9, 2018 As a passionate fan of both college and professional football, the fall season is one of the most exciting times of the year for me. Find me following my favorite players and teams every weekend. Fantasy football is a way for me to share my […]

Here’s Some Memes to Help You Manage Expectations

By Akanksa Upadhyay, Account Supervisor at PRLab [Source: Make A Meme, 2017, https://makeameme.org/meme/expectations-expectations-everywhere-o6tauh] Expectations are a fundamental part of being human. We expect things from our teammates, clients, and mostly, of ourselves. Expectations show that we have a vision of how something should be. However, expectations are earning a bad name. People think that having expectations […]