Register to Volunteer

Get started today…

  1. Register to participate in the Occupational Therapy Global Day of Service.
  2. Arrange to engage in a volunteer activity on October 27, 2023.
  3. Participate in the Occupational Therapy Global Day of Service.
  4. Complete the survey about your Occupational Therapy Global Day of Service experience.
  5. Share your experiences. (See below).

Share Your Experiences with the Global OT Community

  • Upload videos to YouTube Sharing Your Experience
  • Like us on Facebook, Post videos, photos, or comments on Facebook
  • Follow us on Instagram for updates and ideas for projects (Instagram)
  • Follow our page on LinkedIn
  • Upload photos on your Instagram profile and story and tag us! (@promotingot)
  • Tell us what you did via Twitter (@promotingot)
  • Use the hashtag #OTGDS and #OTGDS2023 on all social media posts
  • With your permission, we will share your photos and videos of your event!

Frequently Asked Questions