Actions Taken by the University Council During the Spring 2020 Semester

From Dr. Jean Morrison, University Provost and Chief Academic Officer

The Boston University Council held seven meetings during the spring 2020 semester on January 28, February 25, March 17, April 14, May 6, June 16, and July 28. At these meetings, the Council voted to approve the following policies, also available on the University Council website:

The Council also voted during the spring 2020 semester to approve the following degree and certificate programs:

  • Executive Master of Public Health (SPH)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics & African Languages (CAS)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Art (CFA)
  • Child Youth & Policy Certificate (Wheelock)
  • Graduate Certificate in Hospitality Management (SHA)
  • Graduate Certificate in Advanced Hospitality Management (SHA)
  • Graduate Certificate in Teaching Language, Literature, and Film (GRS)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Physics and Computer Science (CAS)
  • PhD in Computing and Data Science (CDS)

President Brown has concurred with these actions, which officially brings them into effect. We are grateful to the members of the University Council for their thoughtful and diligent work throughout the past year.

Actions Taken by the University Council During the Spring 2020 Semester – 8.12.20