“Back to On-Campus Work,” Phase 4 Guide

From Dr. Jean Morrison, University Provost and Chief Academic Officer
and Gary Nicksa, Senior Vice President for Operations



As Boston University moves forward with the fall semester and we begin planning for next spring, we thank everyone in our community for your adherence to the health precautions that we have put in place.

We have seen the resumption of classroom teaching and other residential community activities, all substantially reshaped by public health and safety protocols. Recent changes to those protocols, as well as our initial precautions, are clearly explained in the new Back to On-Campus Work Guide for Academic Year 2020/2021. Here you will find important information about the spring calendar and about the Healthway website that is the portal to COVID-19 health screening resources and our dashboard of testing results. This guide for faculty and staff includes recent updates on the daily health screening requirement, Category 3 testing frequency, and expectations and corrective action for health screening and testing compliance. There is an explanation of what happens if you report having COVID-19 symptoms, or if a student in one of your classes tests positive. And, as with similar guides for earlier phases of our reopening, there is a comprehensive list of resources to help support the health, safety, and success of our community.

We continue to adapt our safety protocols as we learn more about the coronavirus and about the strengths and weaknesses of our efforts to stem its transmission. All of these updates are made in consultation with public health experts, epidemiologists, and other experts at BU and elsewhere. There are, no doubt, more changes to come as we prepare for the spring semester, and they will be added periodically to this Back to On-Campus Work Guide, and to the Back2BU website.

Thank you again for your extraordinary efforts to make this demanding semester one that we can all be proud of. We look forward to its safe and successful completion, and to a return to the thriving residential campus experience that brought all of us to Boston University.

“Back to On-Campus Work,” Phase 4 Guide – 11.2.20