City Planning and Urban Affairs Guest Speaker: Les Norford, MIT

  • Starts: 6:15 pm on Monday, September 18, 2017
  • Ends: 7:15 pm on Monday, September 18, 2017
Professor Leslie Norford will be guest lecturing in City Planning and Urban Affairs' UA 510: Sustainable Energy Planning course. He will be covering the topic Energy Efficiency, Sustainability, and Eco Districts. Professor Norford is the George Macomber (1948) Professor in Construction Management in the Department of Architecture at MIT. Professor Norford’s current research focuses on interactions of buildings with the natural and built urban environment. His group studies the contributions of buildings to the urban heat island effect, the impact of urban heating on building performance, the transport of urban pollutants and control of building electrical systems to provide services to electricity distribution systems.
CAS, Room 315, 685-725 Commonwealth Ave.