Morning Study Group

  • Starts: 9:45 am on Sunday, January 28, 2018
  • Ends: 10:35 am on Sunday, January 28, 2018
In honor of Dean Hill's ten years of service and leadership at Marsh Chapel, this semester we'll be reading 'Prophetic Protestant Sermons on America’s War in Iraq'. We will read and discuss some of the Dean's sermons from 2001–2007, consider the role of the pulpit in responding to political crises, including war, and learn about how sermons get written. Join us for a good discussion and great fellowship! Books are available for free in the chapel office. This semester’s class is co-taught by Jen Quigley and Marsh Associate Tom Batson. (Contact: The Rev. Jen Quigley,
Thurman Room, located on the lower level of Marsh Chapel (735 Commonwealth Ave.)