Boston University’s Academic Conduct Code is designed to assist in the development of a supportive and productive learning environment. It is both a description of the University’s ethical expectations of students as well as a guarantee of students’ rights and responsibilities as members of a learning community. The Code provides clarity related to policy and procedure regarding academic conduct.
Academic misconduct is conduct by which a student misrepresents their academic accomplishments or impedes other students’ opportunities of being judged fairly for their academic work. Knowingly allowing others to represent your work as their own is as serious an offense as submitting another’s work as your own.
BU’S full academic conduct code can be found here.
BU’s Academic Conduct Code outlines twenty actions that can constitute academic misconduct:
1. Cheating on an examination or assignment.
Any attempt by students to alter their performance on an examination or assignment in violation of the stated or commonly understood ground rules.
2. Plagiarism.
Representing the work or ideas of another as one’s own; and/or using another’s work or ideas without crediting the source. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the following: copying the answers of another student on an examination; copying or restating the work or ideas of another person or persons in any oral or written work (printed or electronic) without citing the appropriate source; using audio or video footage that comes from another source (including work done by another student) without permission and/or acknowledgement of that source; and collaborating with someone else in an academic endeavor without acknowledging their contribution. Plagiarism can consist of acts of commission (appropriating the words or ideas of another as one’s own), or omission (failing to acknowledge/document/credit the source or creator of words or ideas).
3. Misrepresentation, falsification, or fabrication of data.
Misrepresentation, falsification, or fabrication of data presented for surveys, experiments, reports, etc., which includes but is not limited to: citing authors who do not exist; citing interviews that never took place; citing field work that was not completed; and falsely claiming attendance at mandatory class events.
4. Theft of an examination.
Stealing or otherwise discovering and/or making known to others the contents of an examination that has not yet been administered.
5. Unauthorized communication during examinations.
Any unauthorized communication may be considered automatic evidence of cheating.
6. Knowingly allowing another student to represent your work as their own.
This includes actions such as: providing a copy of your work to another student, and/or providing (including selling) class materials to third parties that sell or otherwise share such materials–including, but not limited to, homework, exams and exam solutions, submitted papers, or projects. Students with material in an ePortfolio should consider adding a Creative Commons License to their work to remind readers that the work may not be shared without properly attributing it to the creator as the author. For more information on how this policy applies to materials in a student’s ePortfolio and adding a Creative Commons License to your portfolio, see
Guidelines on Privacy and Integrity on the Boston University ePortfolio site.
7. Forgery, alteration, or knowing misuse of graded examinations, quizzes, grade lists, or official records or documents.
Forgery, alteration, or knowing misuse of graded examinations, quizzes, grade lists, or official records or documents including but not limited to transcripts from any institution, letters of recommendation, degree certificates, examinations, quizzes, or other work after submission.
8. Misrepresentation of identity.
Misrepresentation of identity in any interaction with a member of the Boston University community or on any academic work.
9. Theft or destruction of examinations or papers.
Theft or destruction of examinations or papers after submission.
10. Submitting substantially the same work in more than one course.
Submitting substantially the same work in more than one course without the consent of instructors.
11. Altering or destroying another student’s work or records.
Altering records of any kind, removing materials from libraries or offices without consent, or in any way interfering with the work of others so as to impede their academic performance.
12. Violation of the rules governing teamwork.
Unless the instructor of a course otherwise specifically provides instructions to the contrary, the following rules apply to teamwork: 1. No team member shall intentionally infringe upon the learning of another team member in the course of any team project or other teamwork. 2. No team member shall intentionally restrict or inhibit another team member’s access to team meetings, team work-in-progress, or other team activities. 3. All team members shall be held responsible for the content of all teamwork submitted for evaluation as if each team member had individually submitted the entire work product of their team as their own work.
13. Failure to sit in a specifically assigned seat during examinations.
Failure to sit in a specifically assigned seat during examinations.
14. Unauthorized downloading, uploading, sharing, and/or duplicating course material.
Includes, but is not limited to, assignments, exams, quizzes, slides, videos, and any other material created and/or provided by the instructor without the instructor’s express permission. This includes, but is not limited to, downloading/uploading/viewing/sharing/selling copyrighted material found on commercial notes-sharing websites such as Course Hero and GitHub.
15. Conduct in a professional field assignment.
Conduct in a professional field assignment that violates the policies and regulations of the host school or agency.
16. Conduct in violation of public law.
Conduct in violation of public law occurring outside the University that directly affects the academic and professional status of the student, after civil authorities have imposed sanctions.
17. Attempting improperly to influence.
Attempting improperly to influence the award of any credit, grade, or honor.
18. Intentionally making false statements.
Intentionally making false statements to the Academic Conduct Committee or intentionally presenting false information to the Committee.
19. Unprofessional treatment of patients and clients.
Includes, but is not limited to: Treating patients/clients without authorization or supervision by faculty; treating patients/clients in unauthorized clinical settings; Accepting personal monetary payment from patients/clients for services; waiving patient payment responsibilities without authorization, or otherwise acting in disregard of patient-related contracting and financial policies; failing to comply with policies and procedures related to patient/client care; failing to maintain accepted protocols regarding infection control and OSHA standards; treating a patient/client while under the influence of alcohol or drugs; refusal to properly treat any patient/client for reasons of gender, race, color, religion, national origin, financial status, or disability; patient/client abandonment; violating patient/client rights to confidentiality or improperly disclosing confidential patient information; falsifying patient/client records in any manner, e.g., by changing previous entries, making false entries, or by forging signatures, with or without intent to defraud, injure or deceive; failure to maintain demonstrable and timely progression towards achievement of clinical competencies.
20. Failure to comply.
Failure to comply with the sanctions imposed under the authority of this Code.