Advising Network Brown Bag Lunch Workshops

Click here for videos and other resources from past Brown Brown Lunch workshops.

Brown Bag image with logo text & bag

April 2024 – Helping Our Students Thrive, with Student Wellbeing

Tuesday, April 9 – 12:00 pm-1:30 pm

CDS 1101, Register Here

Save the Date:

End of Semester Celebration, May 1, 12pm-1:30pm

Register Here!

If you are interested in being put on the Advising Network’s invitation list for the Brown Bag Lunch events, the annual Academic Advising Symposium, and other news/updates, please email

Is there a resource or topic you would like to learn more about? Have you seen—or given—a really terrific presentation that other advisors would find useful? E-mail your Brown Bag Lunch topic suggestions to the Advising Brown Bag Lunch Subcommittee Chair, Sandy White, Academic Counselor at the College of Engineering.

Advising Brown Bag Lunch Subcommittee Members

  • Sandy White Academic Counselor, ENG; Committee Chair
  • Deanna Baker, Assistant Director, Undergraduate Academic Advising, Undergraduate Development Center (Term: through May 2024)
  • Barb Raney, Manager of Student Services, School of Music (Term: through May 2024)
  • Michelle Njoroge, Academic Advisor, CAS (Term: through May 2025)
  • Haneen Jaara, Assistant Director of Tutoring Services, Educational Resource Center (Term: through May 2025)