10 Tips on Speaking with the Media
- Reach Out for Assistance: Contact the Public Relations office to help guide and prepare you for the media opportunity.
- Respond Quickly: Journalists work under tight deadlines, so the earlier you respond the more likely you are to be included in the story.
- Prepare: Prior to the interview, identify 3–4 points you want to convey and practice delivering them.
- Listen: Make sure you understand the question. Ask for clarification if necessary.
- Get to the Point: Capture your message in one or two clear and concise sentences.
- Keep It Simple: Speak in lay terms. Avoid jargon.
- Express Yourself: Use colorful anecdotes, examples, and analogies to illustrate your points.
- Cite Facts: Facts and figures will clarify your points and add authority to the interview.
- Relax—to a Point: Keep it conversational but speak with confidence. Never go off the record—everything you say could be used in the interview.
- Correct Mistakes: If you misspeak, simply say so and correct your response. If the interviewer presents incorrect information, mention the error and provide the correct data.
Contact the PR team at 617-353-2240 or pr@bu.edu.