What to Do if You Are Trolled

What Is “Trolling”?

When someone knowingly posts inflammatory messages or digressions in an online forum to discredit or distract from the original post. Often trolls just want attention. But sometimes their motives are malicious. Don’t face the trolls alone. We have the experience and expertise to shut down and weather their attacks.

Why Am I Being Trolled?

BU experts who publish articles, provide commentary, or are active on social media can become targets. These attacks are uncommon but are becoming more frequent. While attacks may be intense, they are not usually sustained.

What Should I Do?

  • Download the “Trolling” PDF below for more information
  • Contact Boston University Public Relations | Social Media: pr@bu.edu or 617-353-2240
  • Notify your executive officer (dean, head, or director)
  • If you feel that you or your family are in imminent physical danger, call 911 or Boston University Police at 617-353-2121

If You Are Trolled:

  • Boston University Public Relations | Social Media is here to guide and support you through this difficult time. Let us advise you on how to handle an attack.
  • Responding to trolls often prolongs their attacks. Sometimes the best response is no response.
  • Preserve as evidence all messages, emails, social posts, or voice mails. Before you delete or hide anything, take a screenshot.
  • BU PR |Social Media can help monitor your accounts via specialized social media software. Please reach out to us for assistance.
  • Media outlets may contact you. Consult with us first to determine the appropriate response.
  • Attacks may affect your job role, students, or classes. If you believe the incident will disrupt your responsibilities or class experiences, speak with your executive officer about alternative arrangements.

Your Contacts:

Colin Riley
Executive Director, Media Relations

Rachel Lapal Cavallario
AVP, Public Relations | Social Media