Daniela Caruso
Professor of Law, School of Law
Professor Daniela Caruso has taught Contracts and European Union law at BU Law for many years. She has also taught a variety of law seminars and an interdisciplinary course on Autism at the Kilachand Honors College. In her EU Law publications, she has focused on private law as a particularly effective tool for analyzing the political transformation of supranational institutions. She has also written on equality and federalism, on the implications of European integration for state-based social legislation, and on regional policies. Professor Caruso is frequently invited to lecture on such topics.
In 2008, she was visiting professor and John Harvey Gregory Lecturer on World Organization at Harvard Law School. More recently, she has lectured at Oxford, at the London School of Economics, and at the Universities of Pisa and Amsterdam. “The legal integration of the European Union illustrates most vividly the impact of free trade on the social and political structures of sovereign nations,” she explains.
In matters of contract law, her articles have dealt with the distributive impact of pseudo-contractual mechanisms in the delivery of special education services, and with the links between contract doctrines and welfare reform in domestic and comparative perspectives. Her article “Autism in the US: Social Movement and Legal Change” was published by the American Journal of Law and Medicine (2010). More recently, her articles have been published by the American Journal of Comparative Law and by the European Law Journal. Her pro-bono work concerns special education law and residential mental health units.