Kinh Vu
Assistant Professor of Music & Dissertation Progress Coordinator, Music Education College of Fine Arts
Dr. Kính T. Vu is an assistant professor of music at Boston University where he teaches music education and performance courses in general music, history and philosophy, and conducting. Focusing his teaching, learning, and research model on innovation and entrepreneurship, Kính’s pedagogy is community-based with partnerships emerging in Boston and around the globe. Current research centers on exploring connections between music education and involuntary or forced human displacement in Sweden, Cambodia, and Kính’s homeland Việt Nam where he was abandoned at the end of the American War. His co-edited book (with Dr. André de Quadros), My Body was Left on the Street: Music Education and Displacement, will be published by Sense Publishers in 2019. Dr. Vũ was recently appointed to a Faculty-In-Residence position at Kilachand Hall and will coordinate the Writers Corridor (in memoriam Eugene O’Niell) in collaboration with BU’s Kilachand Honors College and Residence Life.