Graduates seated during commencement

Loyalty Society

The Loyalty Society honors the most loyal alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends of BU and Questrom.

Consistent giving means transforms lives.

BU and Questrom rely on our annual donors for crucial support to guarantee excellence in teaching and innovation, student financial aid, and faculty research. With consistent annual support, academic programs, student organizations, and our ability to retain and attract outstanding faculty continue to thrive. With the commitment that our Loyalty Society members make every year, the Questrom educational experience remains unconventional and dynamic, and creates value for the world.

Allen Questrom and student smile for photo in atrium

Member Benefits

Recognition in online donor roster and other materials

Gift-impact communications

Annual printed Boston University Wall Calendar (also available for download)

Invitations to special donor-recognition and campus-wide marquee events such as Alumni Weekend and Winterfest

Access to on-campus lectures (in person or online)

Qualifying Levels

Donors qualify for membership upon their second consecutive year of giving or immediately after committing to a recurring gift or multi-year pledge.

YEars of Consecutive GivingDeposit Deadline
2-4 Years
5-9 YearsMembers receive a lapel pin commemorating their five-year milestone
10-24 YearsMembers are acknowledged for their continued support and have the option of receiving a new lapel pin commemorating this milestone
25+ YearsMembers receive special recognition upon reaching twenty-five consecutive years of giving and have the option of receiving a new lapel pin
Every Year Since GraduationLoyal Circle Membership

Contact our Development Team

Interesting in learning more? We can answer any questions you may have and help explore which options best fit your interests and financial circumstances.
