MBA+ Dual Degree Admissions

When you take on an MBA+ Dual Degree through the Questrom School of Business, you maximize the unparalleled opportunities that only a world-class research institution like BU can provide.

Already started your application?

Applying to a Dual Degree Program

The Graduate Admissions Committee considers the whole picture when reviewing applicants. We look at professional background, leadership skills, academic credentials, and diversity. We seek candidates who are team-oriented, prone to collaboration, and consider themselves global citizens. Our goal: to create a class rich in ideas, cultures, and life experiences, so you expand your outlook and gain new insights. Think we’re a good fit? We encourage applicants from all backgrounds—not just business—to apply to Questrom. We look forward to hearing from you!

Helpful Links

We know the application process can take a lot of time and effort. If you have any questions, feel free to email or call us at (617) 353-2670.

Application Form

Aside from the MBA+ MS in Digital Technology, which is housed solely within Questrom, admission to all other MBA+ Dual Degrees requires separate applications to both Questrom and the appropriate BU school or college associated with the dual degree. Candidates should refer to the application deadlines and admission decision dates for both schools to determine the best time to submit their application to each program.

For the MBA+ JD (non-accelerated), students who are already enrolled in the School of Law may apply to Questrom’s MBA program as a dual degree student. Students often apply before or during their first year of law school to begin the MBA program in their second year. In addition, students who are already enrolled in the School of Medicine can apply for the MBA+ MD at various points during their time as a medical student. Please contact the Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid Office with any questions.

Review our admissions checklist to stay on top of materials required for the MBA portion of the dual degree, and be sure to keep an eye on deadlines, too.  For more information on admissions requirements for the other BU school of college associated with the dual degree, please reach out to that School’s admissions office directly

Feel free to contact us with any questions along the way. We want the admissions process to be as simple and transparent as possible. Reach out to the Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid Office at 617-353-2670 or

The Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid Office at Questrom keeps all MBA records on file for one year. We welcome your re-application to Questrom.

Each re-applicant is required to submit a new application form and fee ($125); an essay discussing updates or changes since the time of the previous application, as well as reasons for re-applying; an updated resume; a new letter of recommendation; official university-level transcripts (if the re-applicant has taken new coursework since the time of their first application); and updated GMAT or GRE results (if applicable).

For more information on the re-application process for the BU school or college associated with the dual degree, please reach out to that School’s admissions office directly.

The Questrom admissions committee interviews a significant number of applicants for our portfolio of graduate business programs. The interview is an evaluative component of the application process and is conducted by a member of the admissions committee. We offer pre-application interviews before our first deadline in October, as well as on an invitation-only basis once the application has been submitted to the Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid Office. Throughout the year, all interviews will be offered on campus, via Zoom, and in select off-campus locations.

The Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid Office will waive the application fee for current BU employees, as well as for those who attended select admissions events and off-site fairs. In addition, we will waive the application fee for those who are members or alumni of the following programs:

The US MilitaryAmeriCorpsEducation Pioneers
Management Leadership for Tomorrow MBA FellowsTeach for AmericaHistorically Black Colleges
The Peace CorpsCity Year CorpsHispanic Serving Institutions

Please note: To receive this application fee waiver, you must fill out the application fee waiver request form below. Application fee waiver requests must be approved prior to submitting your application. If you submit an application and pay the application fee, we will not be able to process a refund.

Instructions: To take advantage of this waiver, please fill out the Fee Request Waiver form once your application has been started. Your CAS ID can be found at the top right of the online application. Once we process your fee waiver request, you’ll receive a follow-up email with additional instructions on how to submit your application. DO NOT click “submit and pay for programs” prior to receiving these instructions. We are unable to offer application fee refunds.

Due to the high volume of applications we receive, your application fee waiver may take a few business days to process. If you submit this request before or on one of our application deadlines but do not receive a confirmation from us that same day, your application will still be considered “on time” for the deadline to which you applied. You must submit your waiver request before you submit your application in order for the fee waiver to be applied.

Please note: If you have been approved for an application fee waiver and are applying to one of our dual degree programs, the application fee waiver will be applied to your Questrom application only. You will still need to pay the required application fee for the other school at BU to which you are applying.

Tuition & Fees

You’re making a smart investment in BU and in your future. We take that investment seriously. We’re happy to guide you through the financial aid process and provide any assistance along the way. 

Graduate Financial Aid Office

Our team is here to help you finance your education. From scholarships and loans to benefits and eligibility, we can help you explore your financing options and find the plan that works for you.

While students are attending both Questrom and the School or College associated with their dual degree, they pay only one set of tuition to their “home” institution. For JD students, that would be the School of Law; MD students, the School of Medicine; and all other dual degrees, Questrom. Full-Time MBA tuition and financial aid and Part-Time MBA tuition and financial aid is available on our website. For Questrom’s MBA+ MS in Digital Technology, please refer to the Full-Time MBA information.

If students exceed 18 credits in a given semester, they will be charged additional tuition. Students who take summer courses at Questrom while considered a student at another BU School or College must pay per credit for those courses. As an MBA+ Dual Degree candidate, you’re eligible for merit-based scholarships to help finance the smart investment you’re making in Questrom and in your future. Please note that Questrom will not consider candidates applying to the MBA+ JD programs and the MBA+ MD program for scholarships, as these decisions are made by the School of Law and the School of Medicine.

Full-Time MBA Admissions Deadlines

Entry DateApplication DeadlineDecision ReleaseEnrollment Deadline
Fall 2025October 9, 2024December 20, 2024February 5, 2025
December 16, 2024*February 28, 2025April 2, 2025
January 9, 2025February 28, 2025April 2, 2025
March 12, 2025May 2, 2025May 23, 2025

Applications will be reviewed on a space-available basis following the final deadline.

*Both December 16 and January 9 dates are Round 2 deadlines, but December 16 is the priority deadline.

Part-Time MBA Admissions Deadlines

Entry DateApplication Deadline
Spring 2025September 11, 2024
October 23, 2024

Entry DateApplication Deadline
Fall 2025January 9, 2025
March 12, 2025
Extended to April 4, 2025
May 1, 2025

Please note: The MBA+ MA in International Relations and MBA+ MA in Economics are the only two dual degrees with part-time tracks. Many classes offered by other BU schools are only available during the day. Applicants will not be able to fulfill all program requirements entirely in the evening.

Upcoming Admissions Events