brightly lit event full with folks sitting at white round tables listening to speaker at Thinkers50 event full windows all around the perimeter

Doctoral Research Opportunities

Find Your Match

You’ll collaborate with world-class faculty who mentor you and share your research interests. During admissions, we carefully match your research focus with our faculty’s work. They provide individualized attention, partnering with you to solve critical management and organizational problems, considering their broader impact on communities.

Our Research Institutes

Research institutes at Questrom drive innovation through research, forums, and ongoing relationships with businesses across the globe. By tackling real-world challenges and forging industry partnerships, our institutes not only advance knowledge but actively contribute to positive change.

Ravi K. Mehrotra Institute for Business, Markets, and Society

The mission of the Institute is to help students, industry leaders, regulators, and the broader public understand and appreciate the role business and markets do, can, and should play in creating lasting prosperity, advancing societal goals, and solving global challenges.

Digital Business Institute

The Digital Business Institute nurtures a vibrant community of students, faculty, and researchers alike with interests in digital business, focusing on the practical application of research to the real-world challenges in our ever-changing business world.

The Susilo Institute for Ethics in the Global Economy

The Susilo Institute for Ethics in the Global Economy develops ethical capacity in today’s and tomorrow’s global business decision-makers to lead with integrity, inspire courage through action, and use their voices boldly to impact their organizations and the world.

Human Resources Policy Institute

Human Resources Policy Institute (HRPI) harnesses the power of people to inspire, impact, and innovate modern HR policy and practice through a partnership of member companies, faculty, and HRPI fellows.

Technology & Policy Research Initiative

The Technology & Policy Research Initiative (TPRI) supports independent inter-disciplinary research on the causes and consequences of technological change. TPRI also works with leaders from the business and policy communities to translate research results into fact-based innovation policies that promote equitable and sustainable long-term growth.


GLOB~S harnesses data science to unravel and tackle the complexity of managing geographically-dispersed organizations and foster sustainable innovation, firm profitability, and social welfare globally.


We translate and share our research with thousands of subscribers to Insights@Questrom, an online platform where our experts provide information and analysis in the form of videos, live discussions, panels, blogs, and articles, covering topics ranging from privacy and digital marketing to innovation to bank risk management to leadership—and beyond.

