Florian Ederer
Allen and Kelli Questrom Professor in Markets, Public Policy & Law
I am the Allen and Kelli Questrom Professor in Markets, Public Policy & Law at Boston University, an NBER research associate, a CEPR fellow, and an ECGI research member.
My research focuses on what drives and hinders innovation, both in and outside organizations with a particular emphasis on antitrust.
Selected Research Presentations
Ederer, F. A Tale of Two Networks: Common Ownership and Product Market Rivalry, Duke Fuqua, 2025
Ederer, F. Anonymous Attention and Abuse, American Economic Association, San Francisco, CA, 2025
Ederer, F. Keynote Speech on Common Threads from Common Ownership, DICE Competition Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2024
Ederer, F. A Tale of Two Networks: Common Ownership and Product Market Rivalry, Competition and Markets Authority, London, UK, 2024
Ederer, F. A Tale of Two Networks: Common Ownership and Product Market Rivalry, Max Planck Institute Munich, Munich, Germany, 2024
Ederer, F. A Tale of Two Networks: Common Ownership and Product Market Rivalry, IIOC, Boston, MA, 2024
Ederer, F. Anonymity and Identity Online, Ofcom UK, London, UK, 2024
Ederer, F. Welfare Effects of Common Ownership, Brussels Antitrust Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 2024
Ederer, F. Anonymity and Identity Online, American Economic Association, San Antonio, TX, 2024
Ederer, F. Anonymity and Identity Online, Toronto Rotman School of Management, 2023
Ederer, F., Goldsmith-Pinkham, P., Jensen, K. (In Press). “Anonymous Attention and Abuse”, American Economic Association. Papers and Proceedings
Ederer, F., Pellegrino, B. (In Press). “A Tale of Two Networks: Common Ownership and Product Market Rivalry”, Review of Economic Studies
Anton, M., Ederer, F., Gine, M., Schmalz, M. (In Press). “Innovation: The Bright Side of Common Ownership?”, Management science
Ederer, F., Pellegrino, B. (2023). “The Great Start-up Sellout and the Rise of Oligopoly”, American Economic Association. Papers and Proceedings, 113 274-278
Anton, M., Ederer, F., Gine, M., Pellegrino, B. (2023). “Mergers and Acquisitions under Common Ownership”, American Economic Association. Papers and Proceedings, 113 294-298
Anton, M., Ederer, F., Gine, M., Schmalz, M. (2023). “Common Ownership, Competition, and Top Management Incentives”, Journal of Political Economy, 131 (5), 1294-1355
Ederer, F., Pellegrino, B. (2023). “The Great Start-up Sellout and the Rise of Oligopoly”, AEA Papers and Proceedings, 113 274-278
Antón, M., Ederer, F., Giné, M., Pellegrino, B. (2023). “Mergers and Acquisitions under Common Ownership”, AEA Papers and Proceedings, 113 294-298
Antón, M., Ederer, F., Giné, M., Schmalz, M. (2023). “Common Ownership, Competition, and Top Management Incentives”, Journal of Political Economy, 131 (5), 1294-1355
Ederer, F., Schneider, F. (2022). “Trust and Promises over Time”, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 14 (3), 304-320
Ederer, F., Schneider, F. (2022). “Trust and Promises over Time”, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 14 (3), 304-320
Ederer, F., Min, W. (2022). “Bayesian Persuasion with Lie Detection”, SSRN Electronic Journal
Cunningham, C., Ederer, F., Ma, S. (2021). “Killer Acquisitions”, Journal of Political Economy, 129 (3), 649-702
Carlin, B., Ederer, F. (2019). “Search Fatigue”, Review of Industrial Organization, 54 (3), 485-508
Ederer, F., Stremitzer, A. (2019). “Moral Intuitions of Promise Keeping”, Principia, 65 5-33
Ederer, F., Holden, R., Meyer, M. (2018). “Gaming and strategic opacity in incentive provision”, The RAND Journal of Economics, 49 (4), 819-854
Anton, M., Ederer, F., Gine, M., Schmalz, M. (2018). “Innovation: The Bright Side of Common Ownership?”, SSRN Electronic Journal
Ederer, F., Stremitzer, A. (2017). “Promises and expectations”, Games and Economic Behavior, 106 161-178
Campbell, A., Ederer, F., Spinnewijn, J. (2014). “Delay and Deadlines: Freeriding and Information Revelation in Partnerships”, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 6 (2), 163-204
(2014). “Understanding Mechanisms Underlying Peer Effects: Evidence From a Field Experiment on Financial Decisions”, Econometrica, 82 (4), 1273-1301
Ederer, F., Manso, G. (2013). “Is Pay for Performance Detrimental to Innovation?”, Management Science, 59 (7), 1496-1513
Ederer, F. (2010). “
Ederer, F., Patacconi, A. (2010). “Interpersonal comparison, status and ambition in organizations”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 75 (2), 348-363