Several women students speak at a round table

Is Business School Right for Me?

Five Compelling Reasons to Pursue a Business Degree

Choosing an undergraduate program is a tough decision, but when you opt for a business degree, your career options multiply. With a business degree, you’ll enter the workforce with transferable communication and teaming skills and the business acumen, insights, and connections needed to hit the ground running as a successful business leader. Here’s a closer look at the real-world benefits of studying business—so you can make the best choice for you.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

A business degree equips you with valuable critical thinking skills, enabling you to tackle challenges from budgeting to marketing strategies. You’ll become adept at finding efficient solutions to complex problems.

Data Analysis Proficiency

Business isn’t just about goods and services; it’s rooted in data and numbers. You’ll learn statistics, patterns, and economic formulas, providing you with the tools to make informed decisions and maximize efficiency.

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Success in business relies on effective communication. Business programs emphasize people skills, negotiation, and the ability to work collaboratively—skills that are essential for any career.

In-Depth Research

Business students are trained to conduct thorough research, both in physical and economic contexts. This knowledge allows you to understand market needs and contribute to making a meaningful impact.

Fostering Creativity

Top-tier business programs encourage creativity, which is invaluable in a global marketplace. You’ll have the opportunity to develop innovative products, ideas, or models that help you stand out.

What sets BU Questrom School of Business apart?

A Business degree from BU Questrom gets people paying attention. The reason? Our focus on ethics. Our mission is to prepare innovative and ethical leaders who understand the impact of business on society and create value for the world. Students at Questrom encounter ethics in business throughout their curriculum from day one.

Just as we provide our students with the skills needed to thrive in marketing, finance, and all key management disciplines, we provide ethical frameworks—the tools needed to recognize and consider the ethical dimensions of decisions—that lead to making informed judgments.

Several undergrad volunteers pose outside
A student shakes the hand of an employer at a career fair

An Investment in a Business Degree Is an Investment in You

In our complex world, we require leaders with solid business knowledge to make informed choices. A business degree is a wise investment, arming you with adaptable skills for diverse industries, a valuable understanding of decision-making, and a recession-resistant profile. Furthermore, a business degree serves as a launchpad for continuous learning, specialization, and career expansion. Your choice of a college major is pivotal, and selecting business offers a world of opportunities—marketable skills, diverse careers, impressive income prospects, and the resilience to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. The answer to “Why study business?” lies in the outcome: having a strong foundation for a fulfilling and prosperous career, no matter where your journey leads.